'Grandma´s gem' - Scaled up and spliced

It seemed simple for a photographer to make grandmas old gem more valuable by enlaging it with image editing tools such als photoshop.
He took a photo, enlarged the gemstone an re inserted it in the original image (left).
Traces of scaling (resampling) made it possible to detect this forgery.
The kryw-colourmap represents the probability of forgery from low to high (right).
Overlay of forged image and heatmap image (middle).
Colour coded probability of forgery: [low] [high]
Image splicing is a simple process that crops and pastes regions from the same or separate sources. It is a fundamental step used in digital photomontage, which refers to a paste-up produced by sticking together images using digital tools such as Photoshop. [Ng2004d].
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References: Splicing detection
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