Digital Image Forensic - Samples: Print and Online Media: 'Flood Disaster' - Image Splicing

'Flood Disaster' - Image Splicing

Fotomontage: ...

Indias prime minister Narendra Modi surveying the flood situation in Chenna in december 2015 (left). Overlay of forged image and heatmap image (middle). Colour coded probability of local forgery: [low] Caibration Bar [high] (right). In this case demosaicing inconsistencies are used to show the modiefied area. -- Rate of false positive background signal ist still high.


The fake image was tweeted by the Press Information Bureau of India. Within an hour, the tweet was deleted.

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References: CFA-based forgery detection

Cao2009, Adams1998, Amneet2016, Bayer1976, Bayram2005, Bayram2006, Cai2012, Cao2010c, Chang2013, Choi2011, Choi2013, Dirik2009, Farid2009, Ferrara2012, Filler2008b, Gallagher2008, Gao2012, Ho2010, Huang2005, Kirchner2010, Kirchner2009, Li2011c, Li2008b, Long2006, Lukac2005, Menon_2011, Shingote2015, Swaminathan2007b, Takamatsu2010.