'Flood Disaster' - Image Splicing

Indias prime minister Narendra Modi surveying the flood situation in Chenna in december 2015 (left).
Overlay of forged image and heatmap image (middle).
Colour coded probability of local forgery: [low] [high] (right).
In this case demosaicing inconsistencies are used to show the modiefied area. -- Rate of false positive background signal
ist still high.
The fake image was tweeted by the Press Information Bureau of India. Within an hour, the tweet was deleted.
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References: CFA-based forgery detection
Cao2009, Adams1998, Amneet2016, Bayer1976, Bayram2005, Bayram2006, Cai2012, Cao2010c, Chang2013, Choi2011, Choi2013, Dirik2009, Farid2009, Ferrara2012, Filler2008b, Gallagher2008, Gao2012, Ho2010, Huang2005, Kirchner2010, Kirchner2009, Li2011c, Li2008b, Long2006, Lukac2005, Menon_2011, Shingote2015, Swaminathan2007b, Takamatsu2010.